Foods that are rich in carbohydrates are a great source of energy because of the slow release of energy enabling the swimmer to workout for a longer period of time.
Some options are:
• Pasta, brown bread and wholemeal rice, in small quantities, will ensure a great range of carbohydrates.
• Eat alongside fruit, such as bananas, which are a great source of potassium.
Foods to avoid before your swim:
Fatty foods are harder for your stomach to digest and, as a result, can lead to indigestion and discomfort during your swim.
Quick Snacks
Sometimes a quick snack is all one gets time to eat.
For energy boosting snacks before a swim, try to focus on smaller, higher GI carbohydrates, which will be quickly absorbed and place less strain on the gut.
Good options include:
- 500ml bottle of commercially available isotonic sports drink
- 1.5 carbohydrate energy gels
- Small handful of jellied sweets
- 1 large banana
- 1 large cereal bar or carbohydrate based energy bar (low fibre)